Partnering with Khana

Khana is on a mission to ensure every girl has the UNDIES she needs to manage menstruation and stay in school. 

While consumers in the States likely have ways to manage menstruation, many students in Uganda don’t. In regions where girls cannot access or afford period products, they use mud, rags, or leaves to stop the bleeding. Of course, this causes severe discomfort and even infection. According to UNICEF, lack of period products has created a barrier to education for more than 500 million girls across the globe. Over 8 million of these girls live in Sub-Saharan Africa and miss one week of school every month. Many of them drop out entirely once they start their period. When girls are forced to miss school, they are more likely to contract HIV/AIDS and face adolescent pregnancy. They are also more likely to have lower income potential, which negatively impacts their households and communities. But, when girls can manage menstruation, graduation rates and income potential increases and early pregnancy rates decrease.

“What if girls were gifted menstrual products?” a member of Khana asked a group of NGO workers and teachers. A lady with kind eyes chimed in. “Well, a menstrual cup or tampon would violate the cultural understanding of virginity. The only appropriate option for our community is a disposable or reusable pad. Unfortunately, we’re realizing most of our girls don’t have underwear. In a skirt culture, without something for the pads to stick to or snap under, donations are meaningless.” Then, an idea. “What if underwear was distributed alongside pads? Could something as simple as a pair of panties keep girls in school?” Her eyes widened. “That just might work.”

By partnering with a nonprofit specializing in resusable-pad distribution and women’s health education, they ensure girls have all the tools they need to manage menstruation and stay in school. In addition, all Khana panties are manufactured in the country receiving them to help create jobs and contribute to economic sustainability. 

This International Women’s Day we’re collaborating with Khana. For every 6-pack you buy from Pact, one pair of Khana panties will be donated to a girl in Uganda. Education, employment, and equal opportunity — that's the power of just one pair. 

Kammi McChesney